Text-Based Dice Roll Game

This dice rolling game was a project made in Python under a time limit for an assignment of mine in 2019. The game is designed for two players, both of whom have their own usernames and passwords in the game. When the game starts, the two player are first required to log in with their account details. Once logged in, they can play the game which involves taking turns to roll two dice each while hoping to get the highest total score over five rounds. There are a number of modifiers that will change the score received depending the roll of the dice, for example rolling two numbers that add up to add even number grants the player +10 points, while rolling two of the same number gives the player another roll. Once the game is over, the scores are calculated and the player with the highest score is declared the winner. Additionally, the winner's name and score are saved to a leaderboard in an external text file that they can view afterwards.

Here is an example of one of the functions in the code, in this case it is the code that determines the outcome of the dice roll for the first player.

This dice game was developed solely in Python using the Python IDLE.